Confirmation of Funds API Specification
API and SDK Documentation
Version: v3.1.0
Download Swagger YAML file
Swagger for Confirmation of Funds API Specification
Usage and SDK Samples
curl -X POST "https://localhost/open-banking/v3.1/cbpii/funds-confirmation-consents"
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.FundsConfirmationsApi;
import java.util.*;
public class FundsConfirmationsApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: TPPOAuth2Security
OAuth TPPOAuth2Security = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("TPPOAuth2Security");
TPPOAuth2Security.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
FundsConfirmationsApi apiInstance = new FundsConfirmationsApi();
OBFundsConfirmationConsent1 oBFundsConfirmationConsent1Param = ; // OBFundsConfirmationConsent1 | Default
String xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; // String | The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
String authorization = authorization_example; // String | An Authorisation Token as per
String xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example; // String | The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
String xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example; // String | The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP.
String xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example; // String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id.
String xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example; // String | Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using.
try {
OBFundsConfirmationConsentResponse1 result = apiInstance.createFundsConfirmationConsents(oBFundsConfirmationConsent1Param, xFapiFinancialId, authorization, xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime, xFapiCustomerIpAddress, xFapiInteractionId, xCustomerUserAgent);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling FundsConfirmationsApi#createFundsConfirmationConsents");
import io.swagger.client.api.FundsConfirmationsApi;
public class FundsConfirmationsApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
FundsConfirmationsApi apiInstance = new FundsConfirmationsApi();
OBFundsConfirmationConsent1 oBFundsConfirmationConsent1Param = ; // OBFundsConfirmationConsent1 | Default
String xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; // String | The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
String authorization = authorization_example; // String | An Authorisation Token as per
String xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example; // String | The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
String xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example; // String | The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP.
String xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example; // String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id.
String xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example; // String | Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using.
try {
OBFundsConfirmationConsentResponse1 result = apiInstance.createFundsConfirmationConsents(oBFundsConfirmationConsent1Param, xFapiFinancialId, authorization, xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime, xFapiCustomerIpAddress, xFapiInteractionId, xCustomerUserAgent);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling FundsConfirmationsApi#createFundsConfirmationConsents");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: TPPOAuth2Security)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
OBFundsConfirmationConsent1 *oBFundsConfirmationConsent1Param = ; // Default
String *xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; // The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
String *authorization = authorization_example; // An Authorisation Token as per
String *xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example; // The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC (optional)
String *xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example; // The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP. (optional)
String *xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example; // An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id. (optional)
String *xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example; // Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using. (optional)
FundsConfirmationsApi *apiInstance = [[FundsConfirmationsApi alloc] init];
// Create Funds Confirmation Consent
[apiInstance createFundsConfirmationConsentsWith:oBFundsConfirmationConsent1Param
completionHandler: ^(OBFundsConfirmationConsentResponse1 output, NSError* error) {
if (output) {
NSLog(@"%@", output);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var ConfirmationOfFundsApiSpecification = require('confirmation_of_funds_api_specification');
var defaultClient = ConfirmationOfFundsApiSpecification.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: TPPOAuth2Security
var TPPOAuth2Security = defaultClient.authentications['TPPOAuth2Security'];
TPPOAuth2Security.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
var api = new ConfirmationOfFundsApiSpecification.FundsConfirmationsApi()
var oBFundsConfirmationConsent1Param = ; // {OBFundsConfirmationConsent1} Default
var xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; // {String} The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
var authorization = authorization_example; // {String} An Authorisation Token as per
var opts = {
'xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime': xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example, // {String} The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
'xFapiCustomerIpAddress': xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example, // {String} The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP.
'xFapiInteractionId': xFapiInteractionId_example, // {String} An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id.
'xCustomerUserAgent': xCustomerUserAgent_example // {String} Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using.
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.createFundsConfirmationConsents(oBFundsConfirmationConsent1Param, xFapiFinancialId, authorization, opts, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;
namespace Example
public class createFundsConfirmationConsentsExample
public void main()
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: TPPOAuth2Security
Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
var apiInstance = new FundsConfirmationsApi();
var oBFundsConfirmationConsent1Param = new OBFundsConfirmationConsent1(); // OBFundsConfirmationConsent1 | Default
var xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; // String | The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
var authorization = authorization_example; // String | An Authorisation Token as per
var xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example; // String | The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC (optional)
var xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example; // String | The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP. (optional)
var xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example; // String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id. (optional)
var xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example; // String | Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using. (optional)
// Create Funds Confirmation Consent
OBFundsConfirmationConsentResponse1 result = apiInstance.createFundsConfirmationConsents(oBFundsConfirmationConsent1Param, xFapiFinancialId, authorization, xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime, xFapiCustomerIpAddress, xFapiInteractionId, xCustomerUserAgent);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling FundsConfirmationsApi.createFundsConfirmationConsents: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: TPPOAuth2Security
$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\FundsConfirmationsApi();
$oBFundsConfirmationConsent1Param = ; // OBFundsConfirmationConsent1 | Default
$xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; // String | The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
$authorization = authorization_example; // String | An Authorisation Token as per
$xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example; // String | The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
$xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example; // String | The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP.
$xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example; // String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id.
$xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example; // String | Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using.
try {
$result = $api_instance->createFundsConfirmationConsents($oBFundsConfirmationConsent1Param, $xFapiFinancialId, $authorization, $xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime, $xFapiCustomerIpAddress, $xFapiInteractionId, $xCustomerUserAgent);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling FundsConfirmationsApi->createFundsConfirmationConsents: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::FundsConfirmationsApi;
# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: TPPOAuth2Security
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';
my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::FundsConfirmationsApi->new();
my $oBFundsConfirmationConsent1Param = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::OBFundsConfirmationConsent1->new(); # OBFundsConfirmationConsent1 | Default
my $xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; # String | The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
my $authorization = authorization_example; # String | An Authorisation Token as per
my $xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example; # String | The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
my $xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example; # String | The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP.
my $xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example; # String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id.
my $xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example; # String | Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using.
eval {
my $result = $api_instance->createFundsConfirmationConsents(oBFundsConfirmationConsent1Param => $oBFundsConfirmationConsent1Param, xFapiFinancialId => $xFapiFinancialId, authorization => $authorization, xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime => $xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime, xFapiCustomerIpAddress => $xFapiCustomerIpAddress, xFapiInteractionId => $xFapiInteractionId, xCustomerUserAgent => $xCustomerUserAgent);
print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
warn "Exception when calling FundsConfirmationsApi->createFundsConfirmationConsents: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import swagger_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: TPPOAuth2Security
swagger_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.FundsConfirmationsApi()
oBFundsConfirmationConsent1Param = # OBFundsConfirmationConsent1 | Default
xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example # String | The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
authorization = authorization_example # String | An Authorisation Token as per
xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example # String | The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC (optional)
xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example # String | The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP. (optional)
xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example # String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id. (optional)
xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example # String | Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using. (optional)
# Create Funds Confirmation Consent
api_response = api_instance.create_funds_confirmation_consents(oBFundsConfirmationConsent1Param, xFapiFinancialId, authorization, xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime=xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime, xFapiCustomerIpAddress=xFapiCustomerIpAddress, xFapiInteractionId=xFapiInteractionId, xCustomerUserAgent=xCustomerUserAgent)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling FundsConfirmationsApi->createFundsConfirmationConsents: %s\n" % e)
Header parameters
Name | Description |
x-fapi-financial-id* |
The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
x-fapi-customer-last-logged-time |
The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
x-fapi-customer-ip-address |
The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP.
x-fapi-interaction-id |
An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id.
Authorization* | |
x-customer-user-agent |
Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using.
Body parameters
Name | Description |
oBFundsConfirmationConsent1Param * |
Status: 201 - Funds Confirmation Consent Created
Name | Type | Format | Description |
x-fapi-interaction-id | String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id. |
Status: 400 - Bad request
Status: 401 - Unauthorized
Status: 403 - Forbidden
Status: 404 - Not found
Status: 405 - Method Not Allowed
Status: 406 - Not Acceptable
Status: 415 - Unsupported Media Type
Status: 429 - Too Many Requests
Name | Type | Format | Description |
Retry-After | Integer | Number in seconds to wait |
Status: 500 - Internal Server Error
Usage and SDK Samples
curl -X POST "https://localhost/open-banking/v3.1/cbpii/funds-confirmations"
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.FundsConfirmationsApi;
import java.util.*;
public class FundsConfirmationsApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: PSUOAuth2Security
OAuth PSUOAuth2Security = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("PSUOAuth2Security");
PSUOAuth2Security.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
FundsConfirmationsApi apiInstance = new FundsConfirmationsApi();
OBFundsConfirmation1 oBFundsConfirmation1Param = ; // OBFundsConfirmation1 | Default
String xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; // String | The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
String authorization = authorization_example; // String | An Authorisation Token as per
String xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example; // String | The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
String xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example; // String | The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP.
String xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example; // String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id.
String xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example; // String | Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using.
try {
OBFundsConfirmationResponse1 result = apiInstance.createFundsConfirmations(oBFundsConfirmation1Param, xFapiFinancialId, authorization, xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime, xFapiCustomerIpAddress, xFapiInteractionId, xCustomerUserAgent);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling FundsConfirmationsApi#createFundsConfirmations");
import io.swagger.client.api.FundsConfirmationsApi;
public class FundsConfirmationsApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
FundsConfirmationsApi apiInstance = new FundsConfirmationsApi();
OBFundsConfirmation1 oBFundsConfirmation1Param = ; // OBFundsConfirmation1 | Default
String xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; // String | The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
String authorization = authorization_example; // String | An Authorisation Token as per
String xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example; // String | The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
String xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example; // String | The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP.
String xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example; // String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id.
String xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example; // String | Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using.
try {
OBFundsConfirmationResponse1 result = apiInstance.createFundsConfirmations(oBFundsConfirmation1Param, xFapiFinancialId, authorization, xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime, xFapiCustomerIpAddress, xFapiInteractionId, xCustomerUserAgent);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling FundsConfirmationsApi#createFundsConfirmations");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: PSUOAuth2Security)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
OBFundsConfirmation1 *oBFundsConfirmation1Param = ; // Default
String *xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; // The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
String *authorization = authorization_example; // An Authorisation Token as per
String *xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example; // The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC (optional)
String *xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example; // The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP. (optional)
String *xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example; // An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id. (optional)
String *xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example; // Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using. (optional)
FundsConfirmationsApi *apiInstance = [[FundsConfirmationsApi alloc] init];
// Create Funds Confirmation
[apiInstance createFundsConfirmationsWith:oBFundsConfirmation1Param
completionHandler: ^(OBFundsConfirmationResponse1 output, NSError* error) {
if (output) {
NSLog(@"%@", output);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var ConfirmationOfFundsApiSpecification = require('confirmation_of_funds_api_specification');
var defaultClient = ConfirmationOfFundsApiSpecification.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: PSUOAuth2Security
var PSUOAuth2Security = defaultClient.authentications['PSUOAuth2Security'];
PSUOAuth2Security.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
var api = new ConfirmationOfFundsApiSpecification.FundsConfirmationsApi()
var oBFundsConfirmation1Param = ; // {OBFundsConfirmation1} Default
var xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; // {String} The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
var authorization = authorization_example; // {String} An Authorisation Token as per
var opts = {
'xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime': xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example, // {String} The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
'xFapiCustomerIpAddress': xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example, // {String} The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP.
'xFapiInteractionId': xFapiInteractionId_example, // {String} An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id.
'xCustomerUserAgent': xCustomerUserAgent_example // {String} Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using.
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.createFundsConfirmations(oBFundsConfirmation1Param, xFapiFinancialId, authorization, opts, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;
namespace Example
public class createFundsConfirmationsExample
public void main()
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: PSUOAuth2Security
Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
var apiInstance = new FundsConfirmationsApi();
var oBFundsConfirmation1Param = new OBFundsConfirmation1(); // OBFundsConfirmation1 | Default
var xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; // String | The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
var authorization = authorization_example; // String | An Authorisation Token as per
var xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example; // String | The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC (optional)
var xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example; // String | The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP. (optional)
var xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example; // String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id. (optional)
var xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example; // String | Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using. (optional)
// Create Funds Confirmation
OBFundsConfirmationResponse1 result = apiInstance.createFundsConfirmations(oBFundsConfirmation1Param, xFapiFinancialId, authorization, xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime, xFapiCustomerIpAddress, xFapiInteractionId, xCustomerUserAgent);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling FundsConfirmationsApi.createFundsConfirmations: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: PSUOAuth2Security
$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\FundsConfirmationsApi();
$oBFundsConfirmation1Param = ; // OBFundsConfirmation1 | Default
$xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; // String | The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
$authorization = authorization_example; // String | An Authorisation Token as per
$xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example; // String | The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
$xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example; // String | The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP.
$xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example; // String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id.
$xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example; // String | Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using.
try {
$result = $api_instance->createFundsConfirmations($oBFundsConfirmation1Param, $xFapiFinancialId, $authorization, $xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime, $xFapiCustomerIpAddress, $xFapiInteractionId, $xCustomerUserAgent);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling FundsConfirmationsApi->createFundsConfirmations: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::FundsConfirmationsApi;
# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: PSUOAuth2Security
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';
my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::FundsConfirmationsApi->new();
my $oBFundsConfirmation1Param = WWW::SwaggerClient::Object::OBFundsConfirmation1->new(); # OBFundsConfirmation1 | Default
my $xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; # String | The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
my $authorization = authorization_example; # String | An Authorisation Token as per
my $xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example; # String | The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
my $xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example; # String | The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP.
my $xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example; # String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id.
my $xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example; # String | Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using.
eval {
my $result = $api_instance->createFundsConfirmations(oBFundsConfirmation1Param => $oBFundsConfirmation1Param, xFapiFinancialId => $xFapiFinancialId, authorization => $authorization, xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime => $xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime, xFapiCustomerIpAddress => $xFapiCustomerIpAddress, xFapiInteractionId => $xFapiInteractionId, xCustomerUserAgent => $xCustomerUserAgent);
print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
warn "Exception when calling FundsConfirmationsApi->createFundsConfirmations: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import swagger_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: PSUOAuth2Security
swagger_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.FundsConfirmationsApi()
oBFundsConfirmation1Param = # OBFundsConfirmation1 | Default
xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example # String | The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
authorization = authorization_example # String | An Authorisation Token as per
xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example # String | The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC (optional)
xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example # String | The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP. (optional)
xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example # String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id. (optional)
xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example # String | Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using. (optional)
# Create Funds Confirmation
api_response = api_instance.create_funds_confirmations(oBFundsConfirmation1Param, xFapiFinancialId, authorization, xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime=xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime, xFapiCustomerIpAddress=xFapiCustomerIpAddress, xFapiInteractionId=xFapiInteractionId, xCustomerUserAgent=xCustomerUserAgent)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling FundsConfirmationsApi->createFundsConfirmations: %s\n" % e)
Header parameters
Name | Description |
x-fapi-financial-id* |
The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
x-fapi-customer-last-logged-time |
The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
x-fapi-customer-ip-address |
The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP.
x-fapi-interaction-id |
An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id.
Authorization* | |
x-customer-user-agent |
Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using.
Body parameters
Name | Description |
oBFundsConfirmation1Param * |
Status: 201 - Funds Confirmation Created
Name | Type | Format | Description |
x-fapi-interaction-id | String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id. |
Status: 400 - Bad request
Status: 401 - Unauthorized
Status: 403 - Forbidden
Status: 404 - Not found
Status: 405 - Method Not Allowed
Status: 406 - Not Acceptable
Status: 415 - Unsupported Media Type
Status: 429 - Too Many Requests
Name | Type | Format | Description |
Retry-After | Integer | Number in seconds to wait |
Status: 500 - Internal Server Error
Usage and SDK Samples
curl -X DELETE "https://localhost/open-banking/v3.1/cbpii/funds-confirmation-consents/{ConsentId}"
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.FundsConfirmationsApi;
import java.util.*;
public class FundsConfirmationsApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: TPPOAuth2Security
OAuth TPPOAuth2Security = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("TPPOAuth2Security");
TPPOAuth2Security.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
FundsConfirmationsApi apiInstance = new FundsConfirmationsApi();
String consentId = consentId_example; // String | ConsentId
String xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; // String | The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
String authorization = authorization_example; // String | An Authorisation Token as per
String xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example; // String | The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
String xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example; // String | The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP.
String xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example; // String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id.
String xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example; // String | Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using.
try {
apiInstance.deleteFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentId(consentId, xFapiFinancialId, authorization, xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime, xFapiCustomerIpAddress, xFapiInteractionId, xCustomerUserAgent);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling FundsConfirmationsApi#deleteFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentId");
import io.swagger.client.api.FundsConfirmationsApi;
public class FundsConfirmationsApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
FundsConfirmationsApi apiInstance = new FundsConfirmationsApi();
String consentId = consentId_example; // String | ConsentId
String xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; // String | The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
String authorization = authorization_example; // String | An Authorisation Token as per
String xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example; // String | The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
String xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example; // String | The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP.
String xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example; // String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id.
String xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example; // String | Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using.
try {
apiInstance.deleteFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentId(consentId, xFapiFinancialId, authorization, xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime, xFapiCustomerIpAddress, xFapiInteractionId, xCustomerUserAgent);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling FundsConfirmationsApi#deleteFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentId");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: TPPOAuth2Security)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
String *consentId = consentId_example; // ConsentId
String *xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; // The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
String *authorization = authorization_example; // An Authorisation Token as per
String *xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example; // The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC (optional)
String *xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example; // The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP. (optional)
String *xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example; // An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id. (optional)
String *xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example; // Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using. (optional)
FundsConfirmationsApi *apiInstance = [[FundsConfirmationsApi alloc] init];
// Delete Funds Confirmation Consent
[apiInstance deleteFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentIdWith:consentId
completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var ConfirmationOfFundsApiSpecification = require('confirmation_of_funds_api_specification');
var defaultClient = ConfirmationOfFundsApiSpecification.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: TPPOAuth2Security
var TPPOAuth2Security = defaultClient.authentications['TPPOAuth2Security'];
TPPOAuth2Security.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
var api = new ConfirmationOfFundsApiSpecification.FundsConfirmationsApi()
var consentId = consentId_example; // {String} ConsentId
var xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; // {String} The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
var authorization = authorization_example; // {String} An Authorisation Token as per
var opts = {
'xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime': xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example, // {String} The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
'xFapiCustomerIpAddress': xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example, // {String} The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP.
'xFapiInteractionId': xFapiInteractionId_example, // {String} An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id.
'xCustomerUserAgent': xCustomerUserAgent_example // {String} Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using.
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully.');
api.deleteFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentId(consentId, xFapiFinancialId, authorization, opts, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;
namespace Example
public class deleteFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentIdExample
public void main()
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: TPPOAuth2Security
Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
var apiInstance = new FundsConfirmationsApi();
var consentId = consentId_example; // String | ConsentId
var xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; // String | The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
var authorization = authorization_example; // String | An Authorisation Token as per
var xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example; // String | The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC (optional)
var xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example; // String | The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP. (optional)
var xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example; // String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id. (optional)
var xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example; // String | Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using. (optional)
// Delete Funds Confirmation Consent
apiInstance.deleteFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentId(consentId, xFapiFinancialId, authorization, xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime, xFapiCustomerIpAddress, xFapiInteractionId, xCustomerUserAgent);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling FundsConfirmationsApi.deleteFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentId: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: TPPOAuth2Security
$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\FundsConfirmationsApi();
$consentId = consentId_example; // String | ConsentId
$xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; // String | The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
$authorization = authorization_example; // String | An Authorisation Token as per
$xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example; // String | The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
$xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example; // String | The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP.
$xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example; // String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id.
$xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example; // String | Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using.
try {
$api_instance->deleteFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentId($consentId, $xFapiFinancialId, $authorization, $xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime, $xFapiCustomerIpAddress, $xFapiInteractionId, $xCustomerUserAgent);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling FundsConfirmationsApi->deleteFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentId: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::FundsConfirmationsApi;
# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: TPPOAuth2Security
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';
my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::FundsConfirmationsApi->new();
my $consentId = consentId_example; # String | ConsentId
my $xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; # String | The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
my $authorization = authorization_example; # String | An Authorisation Token as per
my $xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example; # String | The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
my $xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example; # String | The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP.
my $xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example; # String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id.
my $xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example; # String | Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using.
eval {
$api_instance->deleteFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentId(consentId => $consentId, xFapiFinancialId => $xFapiFinancialId, authorization => $authorization, xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime => $xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime, xFapiCustomerIpAddress => $xFapiCustomerIpAddress, xFapiInteractionId => $xFapiInteractionId, xCustomerUserAgent => $xCustomerUserAgent);
if ($@) {
warn "Exception when calling FundsConfirmationsApi->deleteFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentId: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import swagger_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: TPPOAuth2Security
swagger_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.FundsConfirmationsApi()
consentId = consentId_example # String | ConsentId
xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example # String | The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
authorization = authorization_example # String | An Authorisation Token as per
xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example # String | The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC (optional)
xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example # String | The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP. (optional)
xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example # String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id. (optional)
xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example # String | Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using. (optional)
# Delete Funds Confirmation Consent
api_instance.delete_funds_confirmation_consents_consent_id(consentId, xFapiFinancialId, authorization, xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime=xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime, xFapiCustomerIpAddress=xFapiCustomerIpAddress, xFapiInteractionId=xFapiInteractionId, xCustomerUserAgent=xCustomerUserAgent)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling FundsConfirmationsApi->deleteFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentId: %s\n" % e)
Path parameters
Name | Description |
ConsentId* |
Header parameters
Name | Description |
x-fapi-financial-id* |
The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
x-fapi-customer-last-logged-time |
The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
x-fapi-customer-ip-address |
The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP.
x-fapi-interaction-id |
An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id.
Authorization* | |
x-customer-user-agent |
Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using.
Status: 204 - Funds Confirmation Consent Deleted
Name | Type | Format | Description |
x-fapi-interaction-id | String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id. |
Status: 400 - Bad request
Status: 401 - Unauthorized
Status: 403 - Forbidden
Status: 404 - Not found
Status: 405 - Method Not Allowed
Status: 406 - Not Acceptable
Status: 429 - Too Many Requests
Name | Type | Format | Description |
Retry-After | Integer | Number in seconds to wait |
Status: 500 - Internal Server Error
Usage and SDK Samples
curl -X GET "https://localhost/open-banking/v3.1/cbpii/funds-confirmation-consents/{ConsentId}"
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.FundsConfirmationsApi;
import java.util.*;
public class FundsConfirmationsApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: TPPOAuth2Security
OAuth TPPOAuth2Security = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("TPPOAuth2Security");
TPPOAuth2Security.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
FundsConfirmationsApi apiInstance = new FundsConfirmationsApi();
String consentId = consentId_example; // String | ConsentId
String xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; // String | The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
String authorization = authorization_example; // String | An Authorisation Token as per
String xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example; // String | The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
String xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example; // String | The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP.
String xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example; // String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id.
String xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example; // String | Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using.
try {
OBFundsConfirmationConsentResponse1 result = apiInstance.getFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentId(consentId, xFapiFinancialId, authorization, xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime, xFapiCustomerIpAddress, xFapiInteractionId, xCustomerUserAgent);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling FundsConfirmationsApi#getFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentId");
import io.swagger.client.api.FundsConfirmationsApi;
public class FundsConfirmationsApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
FundsConfirmationsApi apiInstance = new FundsConfirmationsApi();
String consentId = consentId_example; // String | ConsentId
String xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; // String | The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
String authorization = authorization_example; // String | An Authorisation Token as per
String xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example; // String | The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
String xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example; // String | The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP.
String xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example; // String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id.
String xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example; // String | Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using.
try {
OBFundsConfirmationConsentResponse1 result = apiInstance.getFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentId(consentId, xFapiFinancialId, authorization, xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime, xFapiCustomerIpAddress, xFapiInteractionId, xCustomerUserAgent);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling FundsConfirmationsApi#getFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentId");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: TPPOAuth2Security)
[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
String *consentId = consentId_example; // ConsentId
String *xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; // The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
String *authorization = authorization_example; // An Authorisation Token as per
String *xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example; // The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC (optional)
String *xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example; // The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP. (optional)
String *xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example; // An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id. (optional)
String *xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example; // Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using. (optional)
FundsConfirmationsApi *apiInstance = [[FundsConfirmationsApi alloc] init];
// Get Funds Confirmation Consent
[apiInstance getFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentIdWith:consentId
completionHandler: ^(OBFundsConfirmationConsentResponse1 output, NSError* error) {
if (output) {
NSLog(@"%@", output);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var ConfirmationOfFundsApiSpecification = require('confirmation_of_funds_api_specification');
var defaultClient = ConfirmationOfFundsApiSpecification.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: TPPOAuth2Security
var TPPOAuth2Security = defaultClient.authentications['TPPOAuth2Security'];
TPPOAuth2Security.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
var api = new ConfirmationOfFundsApiSpecification.FundsConfirmationsApi()
var consentId = consentId_example; // {String} ConsentId
var xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; // {String} The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
var authorization = authorization_example; // {String} An Authorisation Token as per
var opts = {
'xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime': xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example, // {String} The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
'xFapiCustomerIpAddress': xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example, // {String} The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP.
'xFapiInteractionId': xFapiInteractionId_example, // {String} An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id.
'xCustomerUserAgent': xCustomerUserAgent_example // {String} Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using.
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.getFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentId(consentId, xFapiFinancialId, authorization, opts, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;
namespace Example
public class getFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentIdExample
public void main()
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: TPPOAuth2Security
Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
var apiInstance = new FundsConfirmationsApi();
var consentId = consentId_example; // String | ConsentId
var xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; // String | The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
var authorization = authorization_example; // String | An Authorisation Token as per
var xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example; // String | The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC (optional)
var xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example; // String | The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP. (optional)
var xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example; // String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id. (optional)
var xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example; // String | Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using. (optional)
// Get Funds Confirmation Consent
OBFundsConfirmationConsentResponse1 result = apiInstance.getFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentId(consentId, xFapiFinancialId, authorization, xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime, xFapiCustomerIpAddress, xFapiInteractionId, xCustomerUserAgent);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling FundsConfirmationsApi.getFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentId: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: TPPOAuth2Security
$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\Api\FundsConfirmationsApi();
$consentId = consentId_example; // String | ConsentId
$xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; // String | The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
$authorization = authorization_example; // String | An Authorisation Token as per
$xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example; // String | The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
$xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example; // String | The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP.
$xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example; // String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id.
$xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example; // String | Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using.
try {
$result = $api_instance->getFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentId($consentId, $xFapiFinancialId, $authorization, $xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime, $xFapiCustomerIpAddress, $xFapiInteractionId, $xCustomerUserAgent);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling FundsConfirmationsApi->getFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentId: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::FundsConfirmationsApi;
# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: TPPOAuth2Security
$WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';
my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::FundsConfirmationsApi->new();
my $consentId = consentId_example; # String | ConsentId
my $xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example; # String | The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
my $authorization = authorization_example; # String | An Authorisation Token as per
my $xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example; # String | The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
my $xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example; # String | The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP.
my $xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example; # String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id.
my $xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example; # String | Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using.
eval {
my $result = $api_instance->getFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentId(consentId => $consentId, xFapiFinancialId => $xFapiFinancialId, authorization => $authorization, xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime => $xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime, xFapiCustomerIpAddress => $xFapiCustomerIpAddress, xFapiInteractionId => $xFapiInteractionId, xCustomerUserAgent => $xCustomerUserAgent);
print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
warn "Exception when calling FundsConfirmationsApi->getFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentId: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import swagger_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: TPPOAuth2Security
swagger_client.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.FundsConfirmationsApi()
consentId = consentId_example # String | ConsentId
xFapiFinancialId = xFapiFinancialId_example # String | The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
authorization = authorization_example # String | An Authorisation Token as per
xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime = xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime_example # String | The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC (optional)
xFapiCustomerIpAddress = xFapiCustomerIpAddress_example # String | The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP. (optional)
xFapiInteractionId = xFapiInteractionId_example # String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id. (optional)
xCustomerUserAgent = xCustomerUserAgent_example # String | Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using. (optional)
# Get Funds Confirmation Consent
api_response = api_instance.get_funds_confirmation_consents_consent_id(consentId, xFapiFinancialId, authorization, xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime=xFapiCustomerLastLoggedTime, xFapiCustomerIpAddress=xFapiCustomerIpAddress, xFapiInteractionId=xFapiInteractionId, xCustomerUserAgent=xCustomerUserAgent)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling FundsConfirmationsApi->getFundsConfirmationConsentsConsentId: %s\n" % e)
Path parameters
Name | Description |
ConsentId* |
Header parameters
Name | Description |
x-fapi-financial-id* |
The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.
x-fapi-customer-last-logged-time |
The time when the PSU last logged in with the TPP.
All dates in the HTTP headers are represented as RFC 7231 Full Dates. An example is below:
Sun, 10 Sep 2017 19:43:31 UTC
x-fapi-customer-ip-address |
The PSU's IP address if the PSU is currently logged in with the TPP.
x-fapi-interaction-id |
An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id.
Authorization* | |
x-customer-user-agent |
Indicates the user-agent that the PSU is using.
Status: 200 - Funds Confirmation Consent Read
Name | Type | Format | Description |
x-fapi-interaction-id | String | An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id. |
Status: 400 - Bad request
Status: 401 - Unauthorized
Status: 403 - Forbidden
Status: 404 - Not found
Status: 405 - Method Not Allowed
Status: 406 - Not Acceptable
Status: 429 - Too Many Requests
Name | Type | Format | Description |
Retry-After | Integer | Number in seconds to wait |