Authorised Push Payment Reimbursement

From 7 October 2024, individuals, microenterprises (enterprises that employ fewer than ten persons and that have either an annual turnover or annual balance sheet total that does not exceed €2 million) and registered charities will be eligible to apply for full reimbursement when they have fallen victim to an Authorised Push Payment (APP) fraud. APP fraud is where a fraudster convinces you to transfer money to another account. APP reimbursement applies to fraudulent payments made via Faster Payment or CHAPS.

There are a number of exclusions to these rules including where we believe a customer has acted with gross negligence, committed first party fraud (e.g. knowingly omitted or changed key information or made a false claim) or has failed to comply with the consumer standard of caution. The consumer standard of caution requires customers to:

  • Have regard for interventions given by us, as your payment service provider, or provided by a national competent authority such as the Police
  • Promptly report to us upon learning of the scam (no later than 13 months after the fraudulent transactions)
  • Comply with any appropriate information requests from The Cumberland to support the assessment of the claim
  • Report to the Police or allow us to report it on your behalf

Civil disputes and any payments sent or received by credit unions, municipal banks and national savings banks are not covered by the mandatory reimbursement scheme.

If you believe you have fallen victim to an APP fraud please contact us immediately on 01228 403141 or visit your local branch.

For further information and fraud advice please have a look at our "How to Protect Yourself from Fraud" leaflet which is available here or from your local branch.

Additional Information

If you would like to find out more information about Authorised Push Payment Reimbursement please visit the UK Finance or Take Five.