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Support for bereavement
To help you during this difficult time, we have put together a practical guide which includes all the information you need to know in order to organise the financial matters of your next of kin or someone close to you. To guide you, we have detailed some of the key steps that you (as the next of kin or Personal Representative) will need to take following the death of a loved one.
To notify us of a bereavement, you can call, complete our online form or download and print the form below and we’ll be in touch with you to let you know the next steps.
Need to talk?
Please complete the information on this form and we'll be in touch.
Complete a copy of the form and return to the Cumberland. Click here for details on returning your form.
Here are some organisations who can help you during these difficult times.
Returning completed forms
You can return completed forms to the Cumberland in the following ways:
- Email -
- Post - FREEPOST, Cumberland House, Cooper Way, Carlisle, CA3 0JF
- Branch - Please pop into your local branch and a Cumberland colleague will be able to help.