Visa Secure
What is Visa Secure?
Visa Secure makes it even safer for you to shop online. It’s a free service that protects your debit card against unauthorised use online. You do not need to register to use Visa Secure.
How does it work?
Each time you use your debit card online at participating retailers, Visa Secure will work in the background to automatically verify your card details.
If we think it's you making the payment, nothing further is required and the payment will go through.
Visa Secure may also ask you for a One-Time Passcode for extra security, if your purchase seems unusual or outside your normal spending pattern. If this is the case, you’ll see a screen like the one below.

We'll text the One-Time Passcode to the mobile phone number registered to your account. To complete your purchase, enter the code onscreen and click ‘Submit’.
If we don't believe it's you making the payment or if we don't think the retailer is genuine, the payment may be declined for your protection.
How long is the One-Time Passcode valid for?
For security, each code expires after 5 minutes. If you haven’t used the code within 5 minutes, the screen will indicate that your code has expired. You will need to click the ‘Continue’ button to return to the online store to enter payment details and complete your purchase.
Do I need to register my mobile number?
Yes, if Visa Secure requires a One-Time Passcode, we’ll send it to you by text message. To help us keep you safe when shopping online, please make sure you keep us up to date with your latest mobile phone number. If you haven’t registered your mobile number with us, you may not be able to use your debit card to make online purchases using Visa Secure.
To register or update your mobile number, you can either pop into branch where our team will be happy to help.
Or complete the Change My Details form and email to or post to Investment Services, Cumberland Building Society, Cumberland House, Cooper Way, Parkhouse, Carlisle, CA3 0JF.
What do I do if my mobile phone has no signal?
We understand that you might not always have mobile phone signal. In the case where a One-Time Passcode is required but you can’t receive the text message, we will be able to provide assistance over the phone. You can reach our Customer Care team on (01228) 403 141.