Please Note: The information included within these pages is for for use by FCA authorised intermediaries only. If you are a customer please visit our customer web pages.

Lending Criteria

Welcome to common sense lending

Our mortgage decisions are made by real people, not computers. We consider cases that many other lenders don't, including multiple letting units on one title, properties across split titles, limited companies and more.

Applicant type

We lend to individual applicants or limited company SPV. Applicants must reside in the UK and also have indefinite right to remain in the UK

Lending area

We lend throughout mainland UK and the isles of Anglesey, Arran, Mull, Skye, Lewis, Harris and Wight


Minimum sole/joint income £25,000

Where earned income is required to meet affordability for the loan, a minimum of £50,000 sole/joint income is required-additional criteria applies see criteria guides

Maximum of 4 joint applicants

Maximum LTV

We can lend up to 75% of the property value

Loan size

The minimum loan size is £75,000


Maximum mortgage term is 30 years

Repayment Method

Both Interest Only or Capital & Interest Repayment are available


The minimum property value must be £150,000

Properties which are temporary, or moveable are not eligible

Rental coverage

To meet our criteria for rental coverage, annual net rental income – the following scenarios (section 1 & 2) are for interest only applications, see section 3 for additional information in relation to repayment mortgages (capital and interest)-

1. For House Purchase & remortgage with additional borrowing

  • For variable products or product rates fixed for a period of less than 5 years, the annual rental income should be a minimum of 145% (after deduction of 20% from the gross rent for letting agent costs) of the annual mortgage interest calculated using the rate of 5.5% or product rate + 2%, whichever is the highest.
  • For product rates fixed for a period of 5 years or more, the annual rental income should be a minimum of 145% (after deduction of 20% from the gross rent for letting agent costs) of the annual mortgage interest calculated using the product rate.

2. For remortgage with no additional borrowing (excluding arrangement fee if being add to the loan)

  • The annual rental income should be a minimum of 145% (after deduction of 20% from the gross rent for letting agent costs) of the annual mortgage interest calculated using the product rate.

3. For loans on a repayment basis (capital and interest) for all categories of lending noted above

  • For the new lending affordability calculation, where a repayment mortgage is required, we will look to evidence DSC at 125% coverage with a further check that it will meet ICR at 145% (after deduction of 20% from the gross rent for letting agent costs). The application must been both the DSR & ICR requirements, if it falls short on either then top slicing may be considered

Shareholder age

We are unable to provide lending if any of the shareholders are under 18 years old

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