Top 6 tips for boosting your wellbeing

Published on
20 September 2021

When you have to change your routine suddenly, it can often be difficult to adjust. Here’s our top tips for boosting your wellbeing during more challenging times, including simple ways to bring a little bit of brightness to your day.

1. Stay active

It might not be your usual running route, gym session or even late night dance party, but staying active is a great way to boost your wellbeing. You can find some great home workouts on the NHS website or try setting up a simple exercise circuit in your living room or outdoor space – for example some skipping, running on the spot, sit ups or star jumps. If you don’t fancy a full-on exercise routine, energetic cleaning or dancing to music also counts!

Ready to exercise now? Try our Beginners Guide to Yoga.

2. Structure your day

Without the usual routine of getting up, going out and coming home, it can be hard to keep any rhythm to your day. Ideally stick to the routine you had before – waking up, showering, getting dressed, having breakfast – then have a plan for your morning, whether that’s working from home, spring cleaning, learning a new hobby or walking the dog. If you’re working from home, remember to schedule in catchups with your colleagues to ensure you don’t feel too isolated.

3. Eat well and drink plenty (of water!)

Eating the right foods and drinking enough water can improve your mood, give you more energy and help you to think more clearly. Every day, try to eat a good breakfast with foods that release energy slowly such as wholegrain bread or porridge. Try snacking on fruit (even tinned and dry fruit counts) and drinking at least 6 glasses of water a day. Cutting down on caffeine can be a good idea too.

You can find out more on Mind’s website under Food and Mood.

4. Take some time out

Most of us have our mobile phones next to us 24/7 and check them constantly. Instead of responding to every notification, why not try putting your phone away for a short amount of time – even 30 minutes – to give your brain a breather. Try scheduling in some fun activities in too, such as reading, watching TV, knitting, drawing or hanging out with your pet, as they can really boost your mood.

If you want to catch up on the news, use a trusted source such as pages on Covid-19 from the World Health Organisation, the UK Government or the NHS.

5. Start a new hobby

There are lots of ways to keep your mind stimulated when you’re at home. You could try… arts and crafts or up-cycling furniture, colouring, playing a musical instrument or singing, writing, meditating, teaching your pets some new tricks, crosswords, podcasts, puzzles…the list is endless!

Websites such as FutureLearn and OpenLearn have free online courses you could try, or you could download an app such as Duolingo and start learning a new language from the comfort of your sofa.

6. Remember to talk

It’s really important to keep in touch with people and chat about how you’re feeling too. You could have a video chat with friends or colleagues, arrange a phone call with a family member, send a few texts to even just pop a chatty podcast or radio show on if you want some background conversation.

If you’re feeling worried or alone, you could try visiting Elefriends – Mind’s supportive online community – open 10am to midnight. Or read their article on coronavirus and wellbeing for more information and support.

We understand this is an unusual and worrying time for everyone, but we’re here for you. Our webchat service is open for any queries related to banking or your financial situation, so please use the service if you need any help or support.