When it comes to savings, it can be hard to know where to start. Many people feel like they have less money than usual at the end of every month, so it’s important to make the most of every penny. However you’re feeling about your finances, we’re here to help with our range of handy practical tips.
Save little and often
Rather than focusing on large lump sums, think about saving small regular amounts which can build up over time – saving small, regular amounts can make it less tempting to dip into your savings. If you have a small amount left at the end of the month, for example, transfer it into your savings account straight away – it might sound like a cliché but every little helps.
Automate your savings
Having real people, not robots, to help you manage your money is something we’re proud of. But one thing we suggest is automating your savings – or in other words, setting up a regular payment to your savings account so the money is safely stored away before you’re able to spend it, if you’re able to. No robots here - just gradual saving every month.
Choose the right kind of account
It’s worth checking out the full range of savings accounts which could be available to you, as some may be more relevant to your needs. As an example, we offer everything from Instant ISA accounts where you can always access your money, to Regular Savings accounts which could help you develop more positive savings habits. Explore your options now or book an appointment to speak to one of our friendly, helpful team.
Think about long and short term goals
It can be really helpful to sit down and plan your short and long term savings and budgeting goals. Short term could be assessing your monthly spend to see if you can make any small savings – long term could be looking ahead to Christmas and considering how you plan to budget for it. By starting now, you could relieve a little pressure in the future.
Make time for money
Planning your finances can feel challenging, and it’s easy to put it off, but that’s where we come in. Why not dedicate 15 minutes a week, or an hour a month, to checking your accounts and seeking help or advice, if needed. Our advisors are here to help if you’d like to chat through your options.
We hope these savings habits and tips have been helpful to you. Showing kindness to our customers is really important to us, so please get in touch if you need any savings support or you’d like to chat through your options. We’re only ever a phone call, message or branch visit away.