Start saving for the ‘lolly days’ as well as the ‘brolly days’

Saving some of your hard earned cash may not always feel like a priority, but putting aside a regular sum could help prepare for the unexpected and offer the opportunity to enjoy life’s good times.

Research by the Building Societies’ Association (BSA) reveals one-in-seven of us have no savings, and although now might seem a challenging time to start, the BSA’s research shows two-thirds of people with no savings could afford to put something away – even if it is only £10 a month.

Having a safety net of ‘brolly days’ funds could help when faced with an unexpected situation. And, although no-one wants to think about urgent car repairs or their boiler giving up in the middle of winter, having some funds available gives peace of mind. But it’s not always about saving for the unexpected, for some putting money away for ‘lolly days’ filled with special treats can be extremely rewarding.

Emma Young is a customer advisor at our Brampton branch, and she knows all too well how important saving for good times is.

“I have three boys and their birthdays fall in autumn, which has a knock on effect for Christmas. We regularly put money into an instant access account so we can give all three children memorable birthdays and Christmases. It takes so much pressure off, knowing these events are covered, and we don’t have to worry.”

Emma joined the Cumberland just over a year ago and has noticed customers becoming savvier with their cash. “People are looking at interest rates on accounts, ensuring their money is in the best place.

“It can be a challenge choosing an account, so why not book an appointment with an advisor to chat through the options. Our colleagues are local people who recognise the challenges we all face, and understand the importance of looking after every penny.”

Want to speak to a savings advisor? Call in to one of our branches or book a phone or branch appointment.

Toni Taylforth

Time to swap your piggy banks for our saving accounts

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